Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's you and me forever

The Major League baseball season is starting up this week. I am really excited but sad that my Yankees will be going north and leaving me here in Tampa with just the Rays :( Starting this week, I will sadly open my newspaper every day to see annoying news reports on how the Rays are doing and less and less of my Yankees. Thankfully I have Lohud to keep me informed. While I am sad that my Yankees are going north and not returning until mid May(first game in Tampa is on my BIRTHDAY!!!!) I am okay with venturing across the bridge occasionally to see the Rays play some of the teams that I secretly root for or who have players that I really want to see.

I went up to Tropicana for one game this past season that wasn't Yankees/Rays as a gift to my dad but also because I really like Hall and Oates and they were playing in the concert series after a Rays/White Sox games. I was a little grumpy during this game because my Yankees lost to the Cleveland Indians and the Rays were winning but the concert at the end was worth sitting through the game. They haven't posted their concert schedule obviously but I am hoping they have more performers that make a trip over there necessary.

This year I have decided that in addition to my normal Yankees games I am going to go to one game of a few of the following series:
April 14-17 or 26-28 - Minnesota Twins
Why? Because I Love Joe Mauer! Seriously, and I want to try to get some good seats too so I can be even closer to him. I went to the Twins/Yankees spring training game March 13 but he wasn't playing at the time. Hopefully he plays in the game I decide to go to this season.

May 16-17 - Yankees
Obviously I want to go see the Yankees on May 16 which is my birthday. I supposedly have good seats for this game but I won't know until I get there. I had great seats for a spring training game so if I am not at the dugout but also not in the Upper Reserve then I think I will live.

June 17-19 - Florida MarlinsI want to go a game in this series because I have a twitter crush on @LoMoMarlins or Logan Morrison for those unfamiliar with twitter. He plays somewhere in the outfield for them. I also have a lot of Marlins players on my Fantasy Team so I think it would be cool to see them play.

July 1-3 - St. Louis Cardinals
Um. Albert Pujols anyone? I definitely have to go to a game in this series to see one of the best hitters in baseball(not named Alex Rodriguez or Robinson Cano) That's pretty much the only thing drawing me to this game and I bet a bit more than the usual 2000 people(okay, more people go) will attend this series to see Pujols as well.
I will probably attend more than just the one Yankees/Rays series I have listed because my grandparents usually rent a condo in St. Pete and we go for at least 2 games during a summer series. Also depending on the standings at the end of the season I will probably go at least once during the last series of the season.

*10 points to the person who knows which Hall and Oates song this posts title came from ;)

They may have Hell-boy but we have SuperNova!(thats Hellickson on the top and Nova pitching on the bottom)

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